Case Study
Client: Preclinical platform company
Therapeutic area: Solid tumors
Modality: Small molecule
Challenge: Lean team struggling to prioritize indications and best deploy remaining capital prior to next raise.
Radyus approach: We initially engaged to help with indication prioritization but extended engagement to a monthly retainer, working with them for over 3 years now.
Our Process
Step 1 - Indication prioritization
Selected top 3 indications, triangulated in vitro efficacy data with commercial attractiveness
Step 2 - Animal efficacy pilot study
Designed and executed studies with two lead compounds in relevant animal efficacy models of 3 selected indications
Step 3 - Target product profile
Developed a TPP for a lead compound in 1 indication with superior efficacy, engaged KOLs and payors to build strong case
Step 4 - Regulatory strategy
Drafted a high-level regulatory path to approval in selected indication, outlined strategies to accelerate approval
Step 5 - Manufacturing strategy
Consulted a CDMO partner on initial formulation and process development, including manufacturing cost estimates
Step 6 - Product development plan
Outlined critical development, manufacturing, regulatory and clinical milestones in lead indication
Step 7 - Pitch deck
Refined client’s fundraising pitch deck to include clear positioning, TPP, and use of proceeds for Series A raise
Step 8 - Dose-range studies with toxicokinetics
Designed and executed animal PK/PD/safety study to elucidate maximum tolerated dose
Step 9 - Pre-IND meeting
With lead candidate selected, planned, and coordinated Pre-IND FDA meeting, including writing the brochure & submission
Step 10 - On going work
IND-enabling tox
CDMO vendor selection
Clinical development strategy